A Dream
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A Dream
This Tower of Dreams was the work of Nikola Tesla. He envisioned a day when energy was free for the use of every person. His understanding of electricity constantly improving and vastly ahead of any of his so-called peers. Even Thomas Edison lost to this genius, when the Alternating Current became the standard over Thomas Edison's Direct Current services. Sadly though, because of the pursuit of a dream, Tesla lost it all. His reputation, his money, and some say his mind.
The story goes that he was close to completion when JP Morgan, his greatest investor, suddenly died. JP Morgan Jr. took control of the company and his fathers assets. He went to ask Tesla concerning his work asking to the effect of, "How is it that we might charge people for their use of the alternating current?" Tesla's reply was this, "You can't." JP Morgan Jr pulled all funding leaving Tesla destitute.
The idea was that Nikola Tesla wanted to transmit electricity for free to house holds. Transmit? How? Here is the principle behind Tesla Coils and the Tesla effect.
This process relies on the unique nature of our atmosphere as particles of every kind are trapped and don't go flying off into space. All these particles have electrons, the same for the dirt in the earth. This is the main idea about lightning, some particles become IONS in which they have an electron lost or gained, however the distance is so great from the earth to the sky that it can't simply find its happy balance. When enough electric potential is achieved its released all at once (PICOW!). The Tesla effect uses high voltage and high frequency to transmit electricity and has another set up fixed to receive it, (eg giving it a place to go).
So whatever the source of power generation Tesla could have conceived this was his method of energy transport.
His dream that was never fulfilled.
Cyrus-HHO- Posts : 60
Join date : 2008-11-08
Age : 40
Location : Fresno, Ca
Re: A Dream
Honestly I'm working from a background of a lot of things I have researched previously before I ever heard of Stan Meyers and Rustum Roy. Nikola Tesla is my here and it is nice to see that some of the things he talks about in his writings from the early 1900's are resurfacing in modern "innovation".
Nikola Tesla won the standards war against Thomas Edison, that's why homes are powered by alternating currents (AC) and not direct currents (DC), but after he wanted to give electricity free to people he was discredited and made to look like a loon and he died in poverty. In 1943, (he died in Jan 1943) the supreme court finally credited Nikola Tesla as the inventor of the radio. If that had happened sooner he would have had the financial backing to produce his own ideas on providing energy for free. I made a post about it.
Nikola Tesla won the standards war against Thomas Edison, that's why homes are powered by alternating currents (AC) and not direct currents (DC), but after he wanted to give electricity free to people he was discredited and made to look like a loon and he died in poverty. In 1943, (he died in Jan 1943) the supreme court finally credited Nikola Tesla as the inventor of the radio. If that had happened sooner he would have had the financial backing to produce his own ideas on providing energy for free. I made a post about it.
Cyrus-HHO- Posts : 60
Join date : 2008-11-08
Age : 40
Location : Fresno, Ca
Re: A Dream
Yes that is sad that his genius IQ was looked at like he was a loon just because he wanted people to have electricity free of charge. I have read that about him and I hope to learn more of the genius he was and research his teachings. I have a lot of Ideas and hope I can let them come out of my head.
Gentlemansteve- Posts : 81
Join date : 2008-08-03
Re: A Dream
After I think about it I often wonder if people know why metal sparks when it is in a microwave oven. Those sparks are electrical sparks. You can put a light bulb in a microwave and it will light up cause the electrical charge excites the filament. We know this to be a fact so this isn't far fetched Idea as some may think. If a microwave oven can through an electrical charge through the air so can something else
Gentlemansteve- Posts : 81
Join date : 2008-08-03
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