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Post  ElCapitan Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:08 am

This forum is for DIY instructions how to build an Hydrogen cell or other setups. I have changed the fact that anybody can post in this part. You have to be a member to post.

This doesn't have to be a one day thing it can be spread out over a period of time. You can add to your instructions as you go

Whether it be step by step, day by day, all at once or week by week.

I added it so people know it is OK to post the instruction as they go and that it doesn't matter if it take a while to get it all down.

You can post ever how you like so you do not feel pressured about posting so take your time and go at your own pace

I mean it is OK to bump your post if you are adding to your instructions

You can also put headers on your post like.

Step By Step DIY (Do it yourself) Instructions
or maybe

Step By Step DIY Instructions
DIY Instructions
Do It Yourself (DIY) Instructions
or whatever.

This is just an Idea that Cyrus-HHO came up with.

I suggest also that you place whether it is a DIY project on "and what your DIY is on whether it be Hydrogen, solar, Magnetic motors, Dedini motors, ECT"

Last edited by Elcapatan on Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:43 pm; edited 4 times in total


Posts : 56
Join date : 2008-08-02


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