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I am Steve

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I am Steve Empty I am Steve

Post  Gentlemansteve Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:33 am

I am Steve and want to take a p a t h to another way of producing energy and I think hydrogen is the best p a t h to take. We know all carbon base fuels causes Carbon monoxide. Carbon Monoxide is formed when carbon base fuels are burned. A carbon base fuel is a fuel that creates carbon or a form of carbon when burned. The only fuel I know of that doesn't create any form of carbon is Hydrogen. When Hydrogen is burned or fused it mixes with the thing it fuses with to make an element or a compound. If burned with oxygen it produces water. Fused with carbon it makes oil. So I hear...

Hydrogen is the safest and less pollutant gas we can burn. It is the future of a less pollutant world.

Let our Cars be using something as fuel that will help the polluted environment


Posts : 81
Join date : 2008-08-03

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