I am Steve
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I am Steve
I am Steve and want to take a p a t h to another way of producing energy and I think hydrogen is the best p a t h to take. We know all carbon base fuels causes Carbon monoxide. Carbon Monoxide is formed when carbon base fuels are burned. A carbon base fuel is a fuel that creates carbon or a form of carbon when burned. The only fuel I know of that doesn't create any form of carbon is Hydrogen. When Hydrogen is burned or fused it mixes with the thing it fuses with to make an element or a compound. If burned with oxygen it produces water. Fused with carbon it makes oil. So I hear...
Hydrogen is the safest and less pollutant gas we can burn. It is the future of a less pollutant world.
Let our Cars be using something as fuel that will help the polluted environment
Hydrogen is the safest and less pollutant gas we can burn. It is the future of a less pollutant world.
Let our Cars be using something as fuel that will help the polluted environment
Gentlemansteve- Posts : 81
Join date : 2008-08-03
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