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Two great inventors and their lectures

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Two great inventors and their lectures Empty Two great inventors and their lectures

Post  Gentlemansteve Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:46 pm

Two great inventors and their lectures on splitting water

We have Stanley Meyer and we have who I think Stanley Meyer got his inspiration from Andrija Puharich. I use to say I thought Stanley Meyer stole Andrija Puharich invention but I think Andrija Puharich gave Stanley Meyer the inspiration and drove Stanley Meyer to experiment to find out how he did it.

I hope these Videos can help you understand their inventions

Stanley Meyer Lecture Part 1

Stanley Meyer Lecture Part 2


Andrija Puharich Lecture Part1


Andrija Puharich Lecture Part2


Andrija Puharich Lecture Part3


Andrija Puharich Lecture Part4


Andrija Puharich Lecture Part5 (final)



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Join date : 2008-08-03

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