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A new type of battery

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A new type of battery Empty A new type of battery

Post  Gentlemansteve Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:10 pm

A new type of battery to produce unipolar current a cross the cells. Stan myers had a bunch of patents to try to close the market on using his way of doing electrolysis. So he set out to get a patent on every way possible of doing electrolysis. Some people say he was poisoned by the oil companies and by the government. Franklin County, Ohio coroner concluded that Meyer had died of a cerebral aneurysm. For people who know this is a brain aneurysm and is a cerebrovascular disorder in which weakness in the wall of a cerebral artery or vein causes a localized dilation or ballooning of the blood vessel. That my friend is a long way of being poisoned. What some people will believe.

I just wish people would do their homework before saying idiotic crap

To my battery that will do what meyrs didn't think of.

Well first of all the unipolar cell doesn't work no faster than regular electrolysis but on the contrary it produces less than a cell that has electrolytes in it.

Have a battery and charge it with a unipolar current and you have a battery that is unipolar

That was a Idea I did when I was a teen. Yes it works.

Somebody from another forum said I was wrong about his Stan using electromagnetic waves and that was mainly why it worked.

I beg the differ on that. He used chokes and that my friend produces a magnetic wave. Do your homework people. He had two chokes on his cell and if it worked it had nothing to with the PWM. all the PWM do is let you adjust the amount of current to flow. It was used as something of producing the amount of hydrogen is produced.

Do your homework

OK back the the battery

Just take a normal battery and charge it with a unipolar circuit and then you have a battery that is unipolar.

Which means that each poll of the batter will produce unipolar current so then you have the current flowing in bother directions


Posts : 81
Join date : 2008-08-03

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A new type of battery Empty Re: A new type of battery

Post  ElCapitan Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:00 pm

Gold star for GS. Finally somebody who know why Stanley myers had multiple patents on the same thing. Hooraaa. He did it so nobody could find anyway of doing it his way so he Got patents on multiple ways of doing it so no one else could do it his way.

But the unipolar current isn't that good for reproducing HHO. I think stanley Myers was peing in the wind with it.


Posts : 56
Join date : 2008-08-02


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A new type of battery Empty Re: A new type of battery

Post  Gentlemansteve Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:13 pm

Hooraa to you also. I try to stay up on certain things. I might make mistakes sometimes but that makes us human. Well any way I can charge the battery how ever I want. If I charge it with AC then it will be just like AC where it gives current on both sides. No matter how you put the meter it will show a positive current so you really have two positive polls and two negative polls but in reality you have just one each. That is something to think about. So if you find what current produces the most HHO then all you have to do is charge your battery with that type of current.

Yes it works.


Posts : 81
Join date : 2008-08-03

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A new type of battery Empty Re: A new type of battery

Post  ElCapitan Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:15 am

I charged a nine volt battery with an AC 9 volt transformer and you are right. It showed voltage on both ends just like a AC socket. I do think this would probably come in handy when charging a 12 volt battery. It amazed me to get that result. I never would have guessed in a million years that would work but it did. Now I have a nine volt battery that shows positive current on both battery post. I am glad you posted this. I was skeptic but am a firm believe now. I think a battery with this characteristics would come in handy in electrolysis because you would only have one battery but would be like having two because it delivers voltage both ways across the cell at the same time.

Thanks for posting this


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A new type of battery Empty Re: A new type of battery

Post  Gentlemansteve Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:44 am

See and you doubted me. This was a thing I did back in my teens and it worked good and did just like you say. It showed voltage on both polls and gave a positive reading no matter how you place the volt meter. which means that it will have a negative and positive poll on each post. Be like having two batteries instead of just one.


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Join date : 2008-08-03

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